On Friday, October 6th, Chris Coman and I received the Ministry of Lector. Our community welcomed Bishop John Quinn, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit to the seminary main chapel, for the celebration of Mass with the Institution of Readers. Institution of Readers, while not exclusively so, is a required step towards Holy Orders along with the Ministry of Acolyte. In the rite, the bishop entrusts the book of the Gospels to the one receiving the ministry and admonishes them to live the Gospels in their lives and bring them to their brothers and sisters in the Lord.
All in all 25 men received the ministry: 13 seminarians from around the state of Michigan and 12 permenant deacon canidates from the Archdiocese of Detroit. In addition to celebrating the eucharist there was a small reception had in the Seminary parlor afterwards so that the seminarians and their families could mingle and enjoy eachother's company.
It was an awesome thing to be on the receiveing end of this rite and hear the bishop entrust you with the Word of God. It impressed upon me the absolute necessity to live the Gospel everyday and to immerse myself in the Living Word of Scripture. It is something, I believe, we must all do if we want to bring about a new evangelization in the 21st century.
Until next time,
p.s. Here are Chris and I receiving the book of the Gospels from Bishop Quinn, I'm the good lookin' one on the bottom